자료구조 | Graphs | 숙명여대 학점교류
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day 12. 2022.1.6. 목요일
Koenigsberg Bridge problem
다리를 한번씩만 건너서 처음 위치에 돌아올 수 있을까?
=> 오일러 경로
중복없이 원래 자리로 돌아올 수가 없다.
그래프로 문제를 풀고자 했던 첫번째 시도
edge, node로 표현했다.
Euler's principle - vertex의 차수가 짝수여야지 풀 수 있다.
G = (V, E)
V is a vertex set = nodes, points
E is an edge set
type : undirected graph / directed graph (digraph)
undirected graph : no oriented edge
directed graph : has orient
Undirected Graph
- disconnected 되어있어도 괜찮다
Directed graph
applications - communication network
vertex = city, edge = communication link
driving distance / time weight : edge weight = cost(distance or time)
street map : some streets are one way
complete undirected graph
완전 무방형 그래프
complete if a graph has all possible edges
assumption : no self-edge, double edge
number of edges - undirected graph
each edge is of the form (u, v), where u!=v
number of such pairs in n-vertex graph is n(n-1)
since edge (u, v) is the same as edge (v, u), the number of edges in complete undirected graph is n(n-1)/2
number of edges in undirected graphs is <= n(n-1)/2
number of edges - directed graph
each edge is of the form <u, v>, where u!=v
number of such pairs in n-vertex graph is n(n-1)
since edge <u, v> is not the same as edge <v, u>, the number of edges in complete undirected graph is n(n-1)/
number of edges in undirected graphs is <= n(n-1)
vertex degree
연결된 간선의 수
sum of vertex degrees
sum of degrees = 2e, where e is number of edges
in-degree of a vertex
방향성 있는 것
두 종류로 나누어서 계산한다.
in-degree, out-degree
indegree : 정점진입차수 number of inbound edges
outdegree : 진출차수?
outdegree(2) = 1, outdegree(8) = 2
sum of In- and out- degrees
sum of in-degrees = sum of out-degrees = e
* e = number of edges in the digraph
Graph Problems
path finding problem
connected ness problem
minimum cost spanning tree problem
connected Graph
if there is a path between every pair of vertices
=> connected components
연결되어있는 sub 부분을 components라고 한다.
maximal subgraph that is connected
cannot add vertices and edges from original graph
전체를 포괄하고 있어야 한다.
communication network problems
만약에 통신 장애가 발생하면, components를 찾기도 한다.
cycles and connectedness
removal of an edge that is on a cycle does not affect connectedness
tree 정의
a connected graph that has no cycle
n vertex connected graph with n-1 edges
그래프에서 중복된 것을 제외하고 그린 것을
spanning tree라고 한다.
spanning tree
a subgraph that includes all vertices of the original graph and should be a tree
if original graph has n vertices
minimum cost spanning tree
최소 비용 신장 트리
tree cost is sum of edge weight tree