MLOps | MLOps의 필요성, 개념과 MLOps 관련 상용 서비스(MakinaRocks Link)
Introduction to MLOps
- 서울대학교 컴퓨터공학부 데이터마이닝개론 특강(2022학년도, 강유 교수님)을 정리한 내용입니다.
강연자 소개
- Yongsub Lim
- co-founder & chief data scientist of MakinaRocks
- Yongsub Lim
- Making industrial technology intelligent
- advance of AI/ML Capabilities
- Why MLOps
- What is MLOps
- When MLEs use MLOps
- MakinaRocks Link with Demo
AI/ML의 진보
Number of Publications in NeurIPS
10년 동안 6배 이상 증가함
Accuracy of Image Classification
Image Classification에서 Human Level을 넘어섬
Investment on AI
Global investment in AI jumps to record high
Datasets, Computing Power, DeepLearning
- Imagenet
- coco - Common Objects in Context
- GPT-3
AI is Everywhere
big tech company에서 활발히 자신의 비즈니스/서비스에 적용하고 있음
- content recommendation
- language translation
- AI drawing,
- 샌프란시스코 cruise,
- AI coding(github copilot)
Why MLOps
Many technologies are being developed
As the number of successful cases increases, more companies are attempting to implement AI
(ex, chatbots, logistics optimization, EV optimization, battery management)
ML code -> 서비스/비즈니스에 적용하고 싶음.
그 외에 필요한 내용
- data collection
- data verification
- configuration
- automation
- feature engineering
- metadata management
- monitoring
- serving infrastructure
- process management
- model analysis
- resource management
- tesing & debugging
not all companies have sufficient AI, SW capabilities
AI Adoption is Challenging
(McKinseyHM19) almost 2 in 3 companies that are adopting digital manufacturing solution find theirself stuck at pilot stage
- who does that?
- what if we need to update the ML code?
- how to ensure a new model is better than an old one?
what is MLOps?
- Machine Learning Operations
- ML
- Experimentation
- Data acquisition
- Exploratory data analysis
- Initial modeling
- Development
- Modeling & Testing
- Operation
- Model management
- CT
- Experimentation
- ML + DEV + OPS
Level of MLOps
- Level 0 - Manual Process
- Level 1 - Pipeline deployment, CI/CD
- level 2 - Pipeline CI/CD
Level 0 MLOPs
- operation과 분리되어 진행되는 model development
-> A frequent Problem
Deployment side와 ML side가 충돌함
Level 1 MLOps
- feature store
- pipeline deployment
- continuous training
- CD : Model Serving
Level 2 MLOps
- More CI/CD for Pipelines
More on MLOps
Google "MLOps:Continuous delivery and automation pipelines in machine learning"
모두의 mlops
Many Tools on MLOps
Azure Machine Learning ...
Our experience is
- Still, there is huddles for data scientist
DS/MLEs are good at -> Data analysis, Model analysis, Orchestrated experiment
model 결과를 deployable, structured program으로 바꾸어야 한다. - Deployed pipeline needs debugging
MakinaRocks Link with Demo
Convert and share ML models developed by data scientists, in a pipeline format in the Ops environment
ML pipeline creator
- convert ML codes written by DS in Jupyter Notebook
- to Pipelines operable in MLOps environment
Why MRX Link?
- Remove technical hurdles for usage in MLOps
- Better collaboration between DS
- Improved efficiency